Art & Impact

Proudly supporting artists who proudly support birds!

Photo: Jaymi Heimbuch

Art + Conservation

Welcome to our vibrant little corner of the internet where creativity fuels conservation.

Here at Better With Birds, we celebrate the talent of amazing artists and channel our collective efforts into giving back to birds.

Each artistic endeavor here—whether crafted with a digital brush or a traditional one—adds a splash of color to our shared world and fuels our conservation goals.

We’re here to champion artists, boost their income, and raise money to protect birds at the same time.

Our Collaboration Impact

Since launching in May 2024…


 (Psst.. We’re so new, we need you to check back at the end of summer migration for fresh numbers!)

Transparency in Creation

In our effort to support conservation and artistry, we use AI to create some of our unique illustrations, blending technology with creativity to bring diverse artistic visions to life.

Our founder, Jaymi, is a photographer by trade and a flair for the imaginative. She uses AI as a digital extension of her artistic toolkit. This allows us to transform original ideas into the fun and vibrant visuals that form some of our shop collections.

We understand the debate around AI art and its concerns about originality and authenticity.

Here’s our stance: AI is a tool, much like a camera or a paintbrush.

We use it responsibly—to bring unique, original ideas to life, not to replicate existing art or replace artists. Our AI-generated images are crafted with diligence, taking care that they are truly unique before being sent out into the world.

And our AI art collections play an important part in building this platform that supports artists’ livelihood.

Here’s how:

How we divvy our revenue

We use our shop revenue to advance our bird-loving mission.

For shop products featuring art by our founder, Jaymi, 20% of the profits goes to supporting various bird conservation and inclusive birding efforts. The other 80% helps us maintain and grow Better With Birds as a resource for artists and bird lovers.

Meanwhile, profits from shop products featuring art created by our hosted artists follows a rewarding path too — 80% of the profits go directly to the artist and 20% head straight to bird conservation and inclusive birding efforts.

This structure supports artists financially, supports our mission to help birds, and keeps the lights on here at Better With Birds.

With the use of AI to craft unique, original designs, we’re able to use AI to host a platform that gets human artists in front of more eyes and helps them earn more revenue, all while helping raise funds for bird conservation.

We’re excited to turn AI-assisted artwork into a win-win-win for artists, birds, and you!

Photo: Jaymi Heimbuch

Meet The Artists

These talented souls make incredible bird-centric goodness.

Hosted artist

Catie Michel

Catie Michel is an artist and scientific illustrator guided by collaborative storytelling, observation, and inquiry. Having worked as a researcher and educator for organizations such as NOAA and the Golden Gate Audubon, Catie is now based in Denver, CO.

She works with clients such as The Nature Conservancy, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and State Parks to create informative visual narratives exploring the natural world and our connection to it.

As a devoted naturalist, her creative process begins the moment she hears the competing calls of owls at night or learns something new about her local bird species. She examines themes of community (human/more-than-human), public art, education, access, advocacy, and the intersection of science and art.

She is especially passionate about cultivating safe spaces that encourage others to explore their own curiosity.

Catie explores what in nature is capturing our attention and what in us is looking back.

hosted artist

Your Name Here!!

Would you like to collaborate and have your artwork be part of the Better With Birds impact? We’d love to hear from you!

Check out the application below!

Take Flight with Us

Apply to be one of our hosted artists!

Apply to become a hosted artist with Better With Birds.

Are you an artist looking to broaden your horizons? Join us! We showcase your work on our products, helping you reach a wider audience.

For every sale, you receive 80% of the profits, and we funnel the other 20% to bird conservation and inclusive birding efforts.

We don’t keep a cent of what people spend on your awesome art. We’re simply here to amplify your presence as an artist and help you make a bigger birdy impact with every sale.

Photo: Jaymi Heimbuch

Photo: Jaymi Heimbuch

Thank You for shopping with us!

Dive into our collections, meet the artists behind the masterpieces, and perhaps discover that special piece that resonates with you. Your support shines a light on our artists and helps safeguard the future of our planet’s winged wonders.

Let’s keep the art flowing and the birds soaring!

The important “fine print” in case you’re curious (and to make lawyers happy): Better With Birds is a for-profit business that consistently supports nonprofit organizations and charitable causes as part of our mission. We are not a 501(c)(3) organization or any type of tax-exempt organization. We do not conduct charitable sales promotions or any other fundraising activity on behalf of nonprofit organizations. There is not a guarantee that the revenue from any consumer purchase will be donated to a charitable organization or otherwise benefit any charitable purpose. Our support of any nonprofit organization or charitable cause is completely independent of consumer conduct.
Ok, let’s get back to birdness!

Turn your can’ts into canaries and your don’ts into doves.
